This a visualization process to help you remove mental and emotional barriers and create a bright future. So if you’re walking or you’re driving, make sure you do this when you get home and you can be in the comfort of your own home and you can have your eyes closed so you can really receive the benefits of this visualization. It’s really an amazing visualization and I can’t wait to share it with you.

Make sure that you’re seated comfortably with your back straight and relaxed. And gently close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nostrils and exhale through your nostrils. And again, in through your nose and out through your nose. And one more breath centering yourself; take a deep inhale and exhale, letting your belly relax.

Picture yourself entering a time machine, almost like a little glass helicopter where you can see through it – and see yourself step into this time machine and close the glass door. And you can see in front of you, you can see to the left and to the right and behind you. And we’re just going to take this helicopter back into time at the beginning of your life, starting fairly early on at your earliest experiences.

And imagine as if we’re at the beginning of your life and you’re just sitting there in your helicopter. And everything that has happened throughout your life is organized as if they are records filed one memory next to the other record. And you can see these records all the way up until now.

And go back to the earliest painful child memory that you can remember. Maybe it was when somebody made fun of you, maybe it was when you got a bad grade, maybe when you messed something up or dropped something in your home or you got in a fight with your sister or brother or you had some type of injury. Go back to any painful early memory, and we’re just going to take the helicopter and we’re going to guide it right over that record. And then we’re going to go down as if we have a claw and pick up that record, and then we’re going to throw it out. And what’s left there now is empty space.

And then go to the next painful memory that you had. Maybe it was around food, maybe it was how you looked, or how well you did in school, or maybe it was with your friends or socially. And we’re going to pick up that record. We’re going to go down with our handy-dandy helicopter, and we’re going to reach down with the claw and pick up that record and just throw it out. And now there’s empty space there.

And go to your next painful memory. Maybe it was in a sports arena, maybe it was performing, maybe it was just something that somebody said to you. And we’re going to move our helicopter over that record and reach down and pick up that record and throw it out. And now there’s empty space there.

And one by one for the next minute recall experiences that you can remove that caused you pain or suffering mentally and emotionally. And move your helicopter over that record and reach down and throw it out.

And then again moving forward, sometime in adolescence, high school, or college that was uncomfortable or painful for you mentally and emotionally, – maybe it was a relationship didn’t work out … and we’re going to move our helicopter and reach down and throw that one out. And now we have empty space there.

And then we’re going to continue on in some early adult experience; something didn’t work out the way that you wanted it to or thought that it would or had hoped that it should. And we’re going to reach down, pick up that record, and throw it out. And now you have empty space there.

And now what I want you to do is just look back at all of these records. And the places that have gaps, that have empty space because we removed those events and experiences from your subconscious, imagine as if a bright white light was shining through those spaces. Imagine this light getting brighter and that anything from your past that is no longer serving you is just dissolved with this bright white light.

Imagine your past being bright. Make it even brighter.

Fill your whole body up with this bright light, beaming white, and clear energy. Throughout your whole body.

And now as you look towards your future, make your future light up really bright.

Think about and bring to mind an event or experience that you want to manifest. Being yourself fully expressed with nothing holding you back…. What does your purpose look like? Bring it to your attention and see yourself being your best as if it is happening now. What would you be feeling? How would you be acting?

Imagine all the barriers that are in front of you are simply dissolving and all your problems are being solved for you. You’re fully connecting with the truth that’s within your heart… and from that place see yourself connecting with those around you. You are being guided.

What would you be doing? See yourself connecting with others from a place of confidence and certainty. You are NOT a manager of circumstances. You are the creator of your life.

And as you continue to move forward on your path breaking through any fear or resistance that arises, knowing that you have a purpose, connecting with your heart – knowing you are on the path to greatness.